Tuesday, June 30, 2009

15th Principle of Freedom

The Highest Level of Prosperity Occurs when there is a Free-market Economy and a Minimum of Government Regulations.

I only have one topic I would like to cover concerning this principle. Preventing "debauchery of the cultural standards and moral fiber of society by commercial exploitation of vice - pornography, obscenity, drugs, liquor, prostitution, [and] commercial gambling" is listed as an area "of legitimate responsibility which properly [belongs] to the government." (The 5000 Year Leap pg. 181) This is one of the few areas that the government is to be allowed to regulate commerce.

In a colloquium on the Declaration of Independence I held my ground that government should not legislate against pornography, that it would open a floodgate of legislation allowing the government to hinder any type of business they would like. Through study of 'The 500o Year Leap' and internal pondering, I realize I was wrong. I do think that it could possibly open such a floodgate, but that is because the moral fiber of the people has gone down the tubes, and few know anything about Natural Law, or how to tell what is natural law and what is not. Individuals have forgotten to listen to the Spirit of God within them, revealing truth. If we, as the general public were to turn back to natural law, then we would elect those who understand natural law and then they would legislate according to natural law. This can only be achieved through education, self-education...You, Not Them.

PS. I do have a question for anyone that would like to comment. The US Constitution states that Congress has power "To coin money, regulate the value therof..." (Article I, Section IIX). Instead they have delegated that responsibility to a private bank, the Federal Reserve. Would Congress do a better job than the Federal Reserve? Why?

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