Saturday, July 4, 2009

19th Principle of Freedom

Only Limited and Carefully Defined Powers Should be Delegated to Government, All Others Being Retained in the People.

The 'Bill of Rights' is improperly named. Those first ten amendments do not grant unto the people certain rights. They merely limit the government's ability to trample those rights. The first amendment does not grant unto us the right of free speech, the second does not grant unto us the right to keep and bear arms, they limit the government from being able to encroach upon those rights. It should be named the 'Bill of Limitations' or something similar. The same thing with the Constitution before the amendments, it does not grant unto the people any rights, neither does the Declaration of Independence. The Constitution merely grants and limits governmental powers and the Declaration merely states some of the God-given rights of man.

One miracle of this idea of strong states and a strong central government is that a state cannot trample on our rights either. If it wasn't for the constant power struggle between the federal and state governments, any state could quickly fall into anarchy or tyranny. These two powers are a check on each other, not just a check on federal government.

Do you think the founding fathers were clear enough in their wording in limiting federal power? Do you think they could have done more in limiting state power?

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