Saturday, July 4, 2009

21st Principle of Freedom

Strong Local Self-government is the Keystone to Preserving Human Freedom.

Keystone: 1.) the central wedge-shaped stone that supports all the others. 2.) The central supporting element of a whole.

I've often wondered why the early citizens of the several states were so interested in liberty and freedom. After reading this chapter I believe that it's because they were so far away from British rule that they had to institute some form of self-government which then awakened within each citizen this desire to have a say in their government. It awakened a longing for freedom, they were in line with 'Natural Law' or principles and they saw the success of that. Once they tasted freedom, any attacks on that freedom were seen with disdain. Many were led to study principles of freedom, which led to our government set up according to Natural Law and limited to basic governmental functions with checks to prevent usurpation.

Since this is a keystone of preserving freedom, how can we institute strong local self-government again? How do we assert our right to self-governance when a central government is encroaching on that right, without causing civil war?

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