Tuesday, June 30, 2009

16th Principle of Freedom

The Government Should be Separated into Three Branches - Legislative, Executive, and Judicial.

I don't know what to write about this principle. What I was surprised to read is that many of the founding fathers were against separated government at the federal level, even though many of them used it at the state level. It seems to me that the best way to prevent a monarchy is to separate each government process (legislating, executing law, and judging law) into three separate bodies (President, Congress, Courts). I do know that many fear an aristocracy more than a monarchy, one tyrant is better than 500.

Do you think three branches are better for Federal Government? Would it be better if legislating and judging the law were left to the States and executing those laws was reserved for a president at the federal level? Would it give the States more control over Federal Government? And would that be a good thing?

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